3D Services

Why You Should Use Our 3D Service?

3D Services

Fusing Innovation, Technology, Creativity, and Expertise

Digital Sculpting

Digital Sculpting

Ensuring impeccable print quality for your images necessitates meticulous color correction. We meticulously align the colors in the digital image with those used by the printer, guaranteeing flawless results.

3D Selfies

3D Selfies

Customer satisfaction remains our utmost priority, and thus, we deliver top-notch, quality-assured services. Should any design alterations be required, we readily provide the necessary design changes to meet your expectations.



Within Image Composition, our adept designers skillfully arrange elements, physically adjusting objects or subjects, to attain the most optimal position within the frame.

3D Printing

3D Printing

High-End Retouching revolves around preserving every intricate detail and texture in an image, upholding its authenticity. Employing top-notch retouching techniques, we ensure a natural appearance, retaining the image's inherent charm and uniqueness.

3D scanning

3D scanning

3D scanning is an advanced technology that digitally captures the physical world, converting objects and environments into detailed 3D models used in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and entertainment.

Small Tools and Components

Small Tools and Components

Small tools and components encompass a variety of compact devices and parts used in various industries. These essential elements contribute to precision work and assembly in manufacturing and construction.

3D Miniature Dolls

3D Miniature Dolls

3D miniature dolls are intricately detailed, small-scale figurines created using 3D printing or sculpting techniques. These collectible dolls offer a unique and personalized addition to hobbies and displays.

Scale Model

Scale Model

A scale model is a miniature representation of an object, building, or landscape, preserving proportions for various purposes, such as testing, visualization, and architectural planning.

Busts and Headshots

Busts and Headshots

Busts and headshots are artistic or photographic representations, typically focusing on the upper body or face. They are often used for portraits, sculptures, and professional profiles.

Pet Figurines

Pet Figurines

Pet figurines are crafted representations of beloved animals, capturing their likeness and personality. These figurines serve as cherished keepsakes or decorative pieces for pet owners and enthusiasts.

Wedding Cake Toppers

Wedding Cake Toppers

Wedding cake toppers are decorative figurines placed atop wedding cakes. These personalized ornaments reflect the couple's style, hobbies, or personalities, adding a unique touch to their special day.

Fantasy Miniature

Fantasy Miniature

Fantasy miniatures are intricately designed small-scale figurines, often used in tabletop role-playing games and dioramas. They depict mythical creatures, characters, and settings, adding depth and imagination to gaming experiences.

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